Behaviour is an observable act. REST SEP will help to increase safe behaviors and reduce at-risk behaviors in industries.
A behaviour-based safety approach promotes interventions that are people-focused and often incorporate one-to-one or group observations of employees performing routine work tasks, setting goals carefully and giving timely feedback on safety-related behaviour, coaching and mentoring. The initiatives have a proactive focus, encouraging individuals and their workgroups to consider the
potential for incident involvement, (accidents) and to assess their own behaviour as safe or unsafe always, no matter what.
There are three factors that influence personal safety choices: the ability to recognize hazards and evaluate risk, the motivation to be safe, and the ability to focus while performing the current task safely.
SEP is a program designed to influence employee actions toward safer outcomes, ideally by preventing an accident or injury before it occurs. Implementing a SEP is the most comprehensive way for companies to promote safety, eliminate hazards and prevent injuries.
When implemented correctly, a safety enhancement program can provide positive rewards to change unsafe behavior, reduce job-related injuries, minimize lost production hours, and improve workplace morale—essential ingredients for creating a strong safety culture. Behavior-Based Safety matters because upwards of 80% of all accidents occur due to the choices we make and how we act—that is, our behavior. Safety is to a great extent under our own control. Unsafe acts, rather than unsafe conditions, are the root cause of most incidents of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damages the natural environment, into the atmosphere. Stratospheric ozone depletion due to air pollution has long been recognized as a threat to human health as well as to the Earth’s ecosystems.
Strict enforcement of green laws to control air pollution at sources by installing safe chimney in factories, silencer in vehicles and switching power generation from fossil fuel to green fuel helps to reduce air pollution.